I Want to "Make America Great Again" Too

I Want to "Make America Great Again" Too. Plain and Simple. 

As a moderate political philosophy holder, I too share the aspiration to restore the greatness of America, but my vision is one that embraces inclusivity, justice, and principled leadership.
As a candidate for the United States Senate representing Minnesota, I stand have you with a clear vision and firm values that guide my political journey. My campaign is built on the foundation of respect for individual rights, a commitment to peace, and a dedication to serving the American people first and foremost.

My Vote Match Quiz Places Me as A Moderate: Chris

= Strongly Support = Support = No Opinion = Oppose = Strongly Oppose

Personal Issues 

Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
Comfortable with same-sex marriage
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Make voter registration easier
Avoid foreign entanglements
Keep God in the public sphere
EPA regulations are too restrictive
Stricter punishment reduces crime
Expand the military
Marijuana is a gateway drug

= Strongly Support = Support = No Opinion = Oppose = Strongly Oppose
Economic Issues 

Legally require hiring more Women/Minorities
Expand Obama Care
Higher taxes on the wealthy
Prioritize green energy
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
Privatize Social Security
Vouchers for school choice
Absolute Right To Gun Ownership
Support and Expand Free Trade
Support American Exceptionalism

= Strongly Support = Support = No Opinion = Oppose = Strongly Oppose

Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

Oppose means I believe: The fetus is a human being who has rights independent of its mother's rights. You are "pro-life." While abortion under certain circumstances might be tolerated, the basic rights belong to the fetus, not the mother.
I believe: more practical limitations are appropriate to make abortions rarer.
I firmly believe in women's reproductive rights and the sanctity of life. My stance is pro-life, with exceptions that recognize the complex realities women face.

I support the right to abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when a pubescent girl is not ready for motherhood. Additionally, I advocate for the option when a woman's life is at risk during childbirth or when a child is likely to suffer after birth. These exceptions are rooted in compassion and an understanding of the moral dilemmas that accompany such difficult decisions.
I do not believe married couples should have an abortion if not under dire circumstances. I believe in social safety net programs and services for those women who are single with child considering abortion solely due to poverty, and the same for married couples, to protect family values and safety for all U.S. Citizens, and documented residents.

Comfortable with same-sex marriage

Support means I believe: Homosexuals should be treated with equal respect as other members of society, not treated as criminals. You acknowledge the diversity of our society by including same-sex partners in most or all benefits of heterosexual marriage partners, but civil unions are preferable to using the term 'marriage.'
I believe: in practical improvements in civil rights for gays.

Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

Support means I believe: The government should make few restrictions on immigration. If the number of immigrants is too high, establish an immigration fee and raise it until the number of immigrants is acceptable. Or change the immigration quotas by some other method.
I believe: in practical reforms but not in treating illegal aliens as criminals.

Make voter registration easier

Support means I believe:
Voter ID laws just make it harder for people to vote, and we should work to make it EASIER to vote.
Reforms are needed in campaign finance, in order to reduce the influence of moneyed interests.
Those reforms might include restrictions on personal donations to political campaigns; restrictions on corporate, labor union, or PAC donations; and restrictions on PAC activities.
I believe that restrictions on campaign finance, and/or partial public funding, is a practical means to reduce undue political influence.

Avoid foreign entanglements

Oppose means I believe: We must prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. We should leave Afghanistan only when they can defend themselves.
I believe: there are serious practical uses of American military force, for clearly-defined objectives. Those objectives include a secure oil supply, which means our national interest includes ensuring stability in Iraq and Iran.

Keep God in the public sphere

Strongly Support means I believe: Abrahamic values, are American values. Belief in God is what America was founded upon, so tax-funding religious organizations, or praying in school, does not violate the separation of church and state. Displaying the Ten Commandments is appropriate because they are the moral basis for Western law. The Pledge of Allegiance should continue to include the phrase "Under God."
I believe: in the principle that religious institutions should be involved in welfare or education.

EPA regulations are too restrictive

Support means I believe: Human needs come first, but it's ok to account for environmental needs after human needs are accounted for.
I believe: in practical methods of natural resource use. You prioritize people first, but goals can be accomplished with respect for nature.

Stricter punishment reduces crime

Oppose means I believe: Strict enforcement of pre-determined sentencing threatens civil rights and should be used cautiously. Police, courts and prisons should focus on effective enforcement rather than strict enforcement. The death penalty should be used with extreme caution, if at all.
I believe: in practical reforms like sentencing guidelines, but not mandatory ones.

Expand the military

Support means I believe: We should consider carefully before making more cuts - for example, base closings have hurt local economies, and reducing military personnel has put pressure on employment.
I believe that we need more spending to keep up with our practical national security requirements.

Marijuana is a gateway 

Oppose means I believe: We should have full Federally Legal Cannabis Laws. We should have regulated decriminalization. Marijuana should be Federally legalized. Our drug policy should be reformed, with less criminal penalties and more drug abuse clinics.
I believe: The practical benefits of reduced restrictions outweigh the costs of incarceration. I am for the full legalization & regulation of Cannabis in the U.S. Zero Export, Zero Import.

Legally require hiring women & minorities

Strongly Support means I believe: Affirmative Action makes up for past injustice. Until blacks, women, and other minorities are proportionately represented in the upper classes of the economy and the workplace, society owes them a hand up. Government should actively enforce Affirmative Action laws in private companies.
I believe: in the practical benefits of diversity.

Expand Affordable Care Act aka Obama Care

Strongly Support means I believe: Too few Americans have adequate health insurance. The government should make funds available for more complete coverage, or should expand existing government-run coverage to all citizens. A single-payer system would solve most healthcare problems.
I believe: in the principle of single-payer government-run healthcare.

Higher taxes on the wealthy

Strongly Support means I believe: A progressive income tax is one of the cornerstones of modern society. Its premise is that the wealthy contribute proportionally more than those with lower incomes. That is the right way to run our tax system, and we should keep it that way.
I believe: in the principle of progressive taxation, i.e., that redistribution of wealth is a proper role of government.

Prioritize green energy

Strongly Support means I believe: Overuse of fossil fuels causes serious problems that we should deal with immediately by raising carbon taxes, raising CAFE standards, federally funding research into alternative and sustainable energy resources, and push to implement the Kyoto Protocol.
I believe: in practical reasons for reduction in carbon usage, such as US technological competitiveness or reducing the risks of global warming.

Stimulus better than market-led recovery

Support means I believe: The federal government should institute incentives for private corporations for more hiring, to recuperate from the Great Recession. Funding to "bail out" private companies should be accompanied by rules for corporate behavior and repayment.
I believe: government oversight is needed for practical reasons: the Great Recession is a big enough cause, but most others aren't.

Privatize Social Security

Strongly Oppose means I believe: Social Security should remain forever under federal control to ensure that all Americans have a secure retirement. The Trust Fund should not be invested in anything like the stock market, since that would introduce undue risk.
I believe: in practical progress towards market-based retirement funding.

Vouchers for school choice

Support means I believe: School choice helps the poor who would otherwise be stuck in failing schools. Why should only the elite be able to afford private school? Subsidize parents' school choices to foster equality, as long as the school respects separation of church and state, and meets basic state standards. Charter schools are a good compromise.
I believe in school choice for practical reasons of improving education.

Absolute right to gun ownership

Support means I believe: It's not the instrument, it's the morality. Gun ownership should not be restricted - most gun owners use them safely and responsibly. To reduce gun-related crimes, address the moral problems of society and other issues.
I believe practical reforms are needed, like bans on assault weapons and certain ammunition.

Support & Expand Free Trade

Support means I believe: Free trade is in our national interest because it provides economic growth and jobs. We should only restrict free trade when it poses a security risk. Including environmental and labor safeguards are acceptable if they can be successfully negotiated into trade agreements, but should not be used as a pretext to stop trade agreements.
I believe practical restrictions on trade based on labor, environment, human rights, and national security. I am against foreign countries owning farms, and real-estate, pharmaceutical, and agriculture businesses and or corporations on U.S. Soil whom the United States Government routinely

Support American Exceptionalism

Support means I believe: United States military forces should never serve under other countries' commands; but multinational forces are acceptable under U.S. command. In general, the U.S. should consider her own national interests first, and then act with other nations in accordance with those interests.
Support means I believe: in promoting national interests for practical reasons, focusing on specific national security interests, and supporting reliable allies.

My commitment to these principles is unwavering, and I invite you to join me in this journey toward a brighter future for Minnesota and our country. If you require further details or wish to discuss these issues in depth, please feel free to reach out. Together, we can make a difference.
